Prototype V2 goes online

Prototype V2 goes online

Product Design Prototype V2 As soon as I built the first version, there was a moment of realization. It is complicated, really complicated. It is far from a machine I would build again or have someone else do it. There were way too many different parts, some portions...
Building Prototype – Part 2

Building Prototype – Part 2

Product Design Building a prototype – Part 2 This is where I try to improve the rig by building better lighting and using better lenses on the cameras.I figured that better uniform lighting all around the rig, combined with decent lenses, might be the winning...
Building Prototype – Part 1

Building Prototype – Part 1

Product Design Building a prototype – Part 1 This is where it gets messy. I ordered electronics and parts and started building this thing up.I’m not an engineer, but I do have some experience in electronics and soldering and what not so I expect this to be...
Proof Of Concept

Proof Of Concept

Product Design Proving I was right (or not?) I decided to go ahead and test it to see if my idea really works. There is no point in building anything unless we know whether it is going to work or not. I reached several conclusions during this test: 1. I was right! It...
Moments of Inspiration

Moments of Inspiration

Product Design First ideas for A 3d scanner DRAFT The “there must be a better way” was ringing in my head for a while, so, as soon as I got some free time on my hands, I sat down to try and conceptualize it.First couple of ideas were just crap, but hey,...